These 4 facepacks are best for sensitive skin, with no side effects!
It is very important to take good care of the skin. Otherwise, pimples, spots, wrinkles, dark circles appear. In such a situation, girls use them best in their skin care. But due to the skin sensitive of many girls, some things filled with chemical do not suit them. In such a situation, there may be skin problems due to side effects on their skin. In such a situation, if you are also skin sensitive, then you can maintain the beauty of the face by using these beauty products. So, today we teach you 4 such facemasks, which will help you get beautiful, glowing and clean skin without any side effects.
1. Aloe Vera Gel Facepack
Cucumber - 1 grated
Aloe vera gel - 1 teaspoon
Combine both ingredients in a bowl and make a smooth paste. Apply the prepared facepack to the face and neck. After 15-20 minutes or drying, clean it with fresh water and dry it with the help of a towel. It will help in getting moisture and nutrition along with eliminating skin related problems. The skin will look many times smaller.
2. Oats Facepack
Oats Powder - 2 teaspoons
Curd - 2 tablespoons
Pour both ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Apply the prepared facemask on the face for about 15-20 minutes. Now squeeze the towel in lukewarm water and remove the facemask from the face. Also, keep in mind that instead of rubbing the towel vigorously on the face, use light hands. This will give you nourishment and moisture to the skin. Away from the problem of dry, lifeless skin, the face will glow naturally with an impeccable appearance.
3. Honey Facepack
Carrot - 1 (grated)
Honey - 1 teaspoon
First, put the carrots in the pan and cook lightly. Separate the water from the carrots and pour into a bowl. Add honey to the carrots and make a smooth paste and apply on the face and neck with light hands. Let it sit for 15 minutes or until it dries. Later wash the face with running water and dry it with light hands. With this facepack, removal of dead skin cells accumulated on the face will provide deeper nutrition. The skin will look spotless and glowing.
4. Banana Facepack
Mashed banana - 1 ripe
Egg White - 1 teaspoon
Curd - 1 teaspoon
Pour all the ingredients in a bowl and mix it well. Apply the prepared facepack to the face and neck with light hands. Leave it on the face for about 20 minutes. Later clean it with fresh water. This pack helps in removing clean pimples, spots, wrinkles, freckles, draw circles etc. on the face and helps in getting clean skin.
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