- Domestication of plants The process of bringing wild species under huma management is called domestication of plants.
- Agriculture - cultivation of plants in a piece of and under huma supervision is known as agriculture.
- Cultivation The raising of plants by sowing the seeds is called cultivation Importance of domestication of plants -
- Domestication of plants fulfills the basic demands of human being, food, clothing) Domestication of plant formed the basis for humon civilization.
- Here is definite supply of food due to domesti cotion of plant.
- It helps in maintaining the balance of ecosystem largely Green revolution - Increasing food supply lyield to a with the help of irrigation.
- fertilizers modern methods of cultivation. pesticides and high Jielding varieties of plants is called.
- Green revolution.
- Green revolution is the rapid increase in agricultura rrtuchen especially in wheet & rice during 1960
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- Dr. Norman Borlaug Noiman Boroug is the father pioneer of Green revolution in would He produced commercial varieties of wheat
- .which hos dwarf Non-lodging plant habit and run resistant capacity eg Sonora C4. Sonora 63 for his work, he awarded Nobel prize 1970 green Green revolution in India - Dr. M.S. Swaminathan is known as the father of revolution in India.
- \ He requested to. IART to arrange a visit of Dr. Barlouge.
- to India for obtaining dwarf wheat materials possessing the Norin -10 duorfing genes from Maxico * lor
- . Boriauge came to India and sent a wide range of ruuterials.
- # After obtaining semi dworf wheat materials, he obtained dworf variety of wheat then green revolution storted in India.
- Significance Agricultural production increased food problem is solved it has provided employment opportunities Plant Breeding - A The ait. cod science of changing and improving aracter the heredily averativ putery of plants is known as plant breeding.
Variation -
- Due to genetic is a bettable Collector preservatior falt ditt wird vonely Tetave.
- Epe dissimilarthening Evaluation and selection of parents - It is an important step in S E th + Aims and objectives of plant breeding Tomvolve new yorishes of crops which have boiler yielding tapacity To Inercase the eldest of desired plant products suchos grain fibers
- . od To increase the quality of grain.
- Po produce variety that are resistant to fungul.bacterial disease. To eliminate undecirable characters.
- To produce early or late naturating varities To remove dormancy, promote donmadcy To change arowth habit To produce varieties which are tolerate adverse condition 9.
- To develop disease resistance The five steps in plant breeding i Various steps required for developing Collection of variability / Germplasm Germplasm -
- the sum total of all the alleles of the genes present species is called +! The entire collection of plant or seed having all the diverse alleles or all genes in is called def "new varieties in a crop or its related germplasm given crop germplesm collection
- . Spe plant breeding germplasm is now evaluated to plant bearing desirable character The collected the its Parents
- * such identified plants are selected to the basis of phenotypical charader and then used in the process of plant breeding Cross hybridization among the selected parents -
- defn Hybridization It is a process of crossing two plant differing from each other genotypically in one or more character It bring about useful genetic character of two or different varieties in single variety
- * It is also helpful in exploiting and utilizing the hybrid vigor. Hybrid vigor 7 Heterosis superority of hybrid hybrid over et ther one or more characters is called hybrid vigor * Procedure of hybridization - 0 Selection and isolation of porents Emasculation (Removal of stomeny it is done by
- @ Hand method - by forceps Hot water © alcohol method a suction pressure method © Bagging "collection of pollen grains Antificial crossing Tagging collection of seedasis
- The ng Selection and seifing of superior recombinant In this step the hybrid or newly formed variety checked for the desirable.chatocters like yield.
- quality disease resistance. + The plant which are superior to both the porents are selected
- * These selected plant. are self pollinated for me generation till they come to a state uniform.
- © Testing release and.commercialization of new cultivars veriety:
- * The lines are selected newly ore tested for the yield and other agronomic characters like quality of crop.
- yield of crop.CLine is a group of individuals related to descen (0 + 1) have similar genotype this testing is done by growing these plants in the research field under controlled and ideal condition of fertilizers.
- irrigation After the evolution in research field these plant ore grown in formers field for a different location The improved variety is then released under new name with goverment seeds of new variety multiplied and made available to farmer.
- years.at permission. Thus the * In history Some high yieiding varieties of wheat agriculture 1960-2000
- will always ofCA tom million to 75 million to NES It was due to the development of comidwarf varieties of wheat and Rice by Norman Borlaug in Mexico In 1963 many varieties like Sonalika and kalyan sona were selected from such variety semi dwarf varieties) that were high yielding eg- Sonora 64 and disease resistance.
- * Lerma Rajo - 66 shorabti - sonora Sonalika kalyan sona Rice - eg Jaya vikas Ratna Padma kanti Jyonti vijaya Vikas kasturi Pusa - Basmati Sugarcang Saccharum barberi Grown in North India but poor sugar content and yield saccharum officinarum
- Grown in ceimbatore South India - Higher south India - Higher yield and sugar content. *
- The sugarcane breeding center at corniba tore in Talmil nadu. were cressed both the species
- * Plant breeding for disease resistance Disease is an abnormal.
- The infection may be due to micro-organism like fungi, bacteria, viruses.
- * l such disease causing organism is called. pathogen.
- * The individual in which a disease is caused by a pathogen is called host.
- *! Pathogen decreases in yield of crop
- . * There are different physical.chemical method for disease control
- * In this condition if crops are made disease resistant it will be more significant Therefore the most cheapeet, effective convenient method is to produce disease resistance varieties Methods of breeding for disease resistance -
- @ Conventional breeding method © Mutation breeding @ Conventional breeding method -
- There are two conventional breeding method © Hybridisation selection Hybridisation follows the same steps as that of normal hybridisation program
- ① collection of gormplasm. Evaluekintsefm.
- \Screening of germplasm forresistono di 6 Hybridication of selected parents @ Selection and evaluation of hybrid Testing and release of new varieties tu Disease resistant crop varieties produced by hybridisation Till band strip rust Crop Variely Resistant to disease Wheat Himgiri cauliflower Pusa -shubhra ar blight black rot Black To g cheats Pusa snawball -
- 1 Sonora chilli Pusa - sadabaha chilli mosaic viruses Tobacco mosaic viruses leaf curl Brassica Pusa swarnim cu hite rust cowpea Pusa komal Bacterial Blight 4431
- * Common diseases of CTOPS fungal disease - Brown rust of wheat, Red rot of sugarcane. late blight of potato. Baclerial disease - Black rot of crucifers.citrus canker. leaf 2.
- blight of gice 3 turnip Viral diseases - Teat cutll of tomato, Tobacco mosaic. mosaicgenes @ mutation breeding Det Mutation is suddend heritable change in the genotype of an mutation may bring chonge in organiem N.
- Base sequence of chro structure and number change the genotype ond phenotype it brings variation mutation can be induced artificially through chemical physical factors called mutagens. ..
- By this method resistant varieties of moong beans to yellow mosoic viruses and powdery mild gwheshy have been developed. Sonora 4 Generation Shurbatisonova, Lerma Rojo 64A se puse lerma Piant breeding for developing Resistance to insect pest.
- The yield of CYOP plant and crops may crops may also get, by insects and pests. A large scale damage is caused to crop plants and their products by such infection some crop plont rave insect and pest resistance ability 99 plants are insect pest resistant due to redur presentes of hairy leaves og -
- 0 cotton is resistant to jassids and wheat is resistant to cereal leaf beeHe.
- Mo Smooth leaved und nectorless cotton voriety is resistant to bollworms.
- Maize variety with high As particle acid. law nitrogen and laus sugar contents is not affected by maize stem boters
- Plant breeding for improved food quality more than eso million people in the world have to strugle hard to meet their nutritional requirements Number of people suffer from protein, vitamin micronutrients deficiency The diet without proper contents of micronutrients like iron vit
- A. iodine, zinc, makes Hie people susceptible to disease. reduces the overage life span and reduces mental abilities * Biofortification - def?
- Plant breeding program designed to increase the vitamin, minerais higher protein and healthier fatis called bio fortification. *. It is method of breeding crop to increase their nutritioneel value.
- O Selective method - (Hybridizalin) The existing crop varieties having higher nutrients are selected.
- Higher nutrient varieties of brossed with the high yielding crop plantare varieties of enp. methods
- The seeds obtained from this croSS with high yields and increased nutritional value.
- g. Hybrid maize ET Hybrid mar za variety had twice the amount of Amino Acid like lysine and try pto phans compared to existing maize varieties
- @ Wheat variety - atlas 66 wheat. voniety A Has -66 is with high protein ... ove 6 Rice vanely Five times more on IART New Delhi have developed mang vegetable crop that are rich in minerals and vitamins eg. vit - - enriched carrots. spinach vit - c + enriched butter gourd. to mato. calcium and iron
- genchcally identical @clone a this transgenic rien is rich in vin A The seeds of transgenic rice are yellow or colors due to provitamin A (beta - carotene) and went it is known as Golden Tite Def? G cal
- Tissue Culture The technique of growing cell, tissue or otgan on artificially prepared nutrient medium under controlled aseptic condition is called tissue culture Gottlieb Haberlandt (1902) gove an idea about cell and tissue culture, so he is also known as' father of tissue culture.
- F Some common terms, concepts related to TC Explant A part of plant which is to be used in tissue culture is called explant (because it contains parenchyma] eg. Cell tissue. Toot. Tubers.anther.pollen grains.stem tips.
- Totipotency. The ability of ang mature living plant cento develop into complete plant colled toti potency clone - of A clone is a group plant obtained by vegetative from single plant
- The multiplican of plants by the formation The vegetative parts used in clonal propagation clomid Propagation of stones is called clonal.
- propagation are called propagules.
- Collus Undifferentiated mass of cell called calles Organogenesis Formation of organs Grootstem.leaves.etc) from the collus called nrganogenesis. Torphogenesis - Morphological change in collus.
- Technique A well organized lab standarediab should have inoculation room. media root culture yoom.
- a lab should have the following apporatus O microscope Research microscope Autoclave 3 Balance Hot an oven Centrifuge Shaler Ci vy.light.
- * I. Sterilization OR Aseptic condition
- 120 ° c temp by U.v. Sterilization means complete des mathon or killing of microorganisms Explant.nutrient medium should sterilize because microorganisms may enter through ingradients of medium - planforgan etc ie to avoid contamination
- Sterilization can be done by Glass wares like pelridishes.conical flask, test tube etc. are sterilized in oven. culture medium are sterilized by auto dating at plant materials should be sterilized before culturing by using ethanol.chlorine water.
- 1 - sodium calcium hypochloride or of ethai alcohol or 107. hydrogen peroxide.
- Culture room is disinfected with 95 ethanol In acuation chamber may be sterilized radiation to
- Isill microorganisms. Thus, all instruments.cxplants are sterilized by difforent method. * I Nutrient Medium Culture medium - Def ".
- The preparation of nutrient on which explant is grown in the laboratory evitto) is called nutrienti culture medium. The explants are cultured on a liquid, sernisaid. Solid culture medium. *
- The nutrient medium provide food to culture tissue because isolated plant cell connot prepare their own food *
- The T - C. midia requires all essential minerals and carbohydrates. growth hormones alongPlant requires inorganic nutrients like carbon with vitamin steriliza * The Nutrient medium contains Inorganic Nutrients - H2O2.
- No. ca.K.P.S.Fe.nn.cu. Bi.Zn for normal growth Eatest Some of them required in large quantities ingat 5 Organic Nutrients These are in the form of sucrose as a source of carbohydrates are added to the medium other sugars like glucose.
- fructose, lactose. maltese etc. can also be used. * Amino acid. vitamins are also added. Coconut milk, fruit juice.
- yeast extract molt JY extract should be added to promote growth of callus hich Growth Hormones Some growth hormones like Auxins. Gibberlins are added to the medium - IAA. NAA. ISA. 2-4 - D etc. are commonly used auxins. * 'Kinetin is widely used cytokinins for cell division Role-
- To induce Formation of organs Agar Agar - agar Igelatin) is usually used at the concentration of 0.8-14 to solidify the nutrient medium Cigar obtain from algae named gelidium amausii]
- pH of medium is adjusted both 6-58 by adding 9 pH HCM HOCH. All constituents are dissolved in distilled water in definite proportion to prepare nutrient medium * Flow Chart of Tissue culture -
- Plant Explant + Culture Medium Sterilization Inoculation in Suspension culture liquid medium cells t Callus culture (solid medium) + Callus + sub culturing Add "of chemicais .toxins, saltse + cuttured in solid medium Regeneration + Rooting Mutant resistant votieties Qie obtained shoot formation + Hordening Regeneration Plentiet sting
- Hethadologg I Procedure of tissue.culture It follows the following steps Selection of porent and isolation of plant part Explant) from parent The plant, with desirable character is selected euch plant is called stock plant. Explant The suitable plant materials called ex plant should be collected from the selected plant.
- eg- anther, pollen, embryo, endosperm root, stem, lect, etc. Generally parenchyma tissue or meristem 2 subculture The callus 16 then sub cuttured into small section for rapid multiplication of cultured materials Regeneration of plant) organogenesis.
- | The collus is transferred under aseptic condition to a special regeneration mediu.en which contains growth hormones
- Auxins cytokining in proper proportion ore provided to the costus to induce formation of organ transformation of plantet hardening
- The regenerated plantletore transferred to pots containing autoclaved mixture of soil vermiculture
- The plantletpotted) are kept in growth chamber and ten green house when they show news growth the transferred to field Met Formation of cell / suspension culture - for formation of cell or suspension culture the callus con be transformed to liquid nutrient medium and it is agitated laat te do] for 100 to 250 RPM *
- Due to agitation cell get separated from callus.
- The purpose of agitation is aeration, mixing of medium 5 of cell aggregation Imp of suspension culture it is used in produthon of single cell prolein "It is used in promass plurge scale) Puduchon upu do not show differentiation iv. Easy technique prevents
Applications of tissue